Safety Policy

The Safety Policy of the company is to:

Provide safe and healthy working conditions and systems for our staff, contractors, suppliers, visitors, and customers and to reduce injuries and illnesses to the lowest possible level.

Manage and conduct our work environment, to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that staff or other persons are not exposed to risks to their safety, health, or welfare.

Manage and conduct our workplace activities, to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that staff or other persons (employees and non-employees) are not exposed to improper or harmful conduct.

To consult with all our staff on issues of Safety, Health and Welfare at work, take account of their representations and make them aware of their specific duties under relevant legislation.

To make available information, instruction, training, and supervision on safe working practices to our staff and other persons as required.

Ensure that all necessary resources are in place to allow effective implementation of this policy. To ensure the promotion of the general principles of prevention in relation to the elimination and/or reduction of risks to health and safety.

To ensure continual improvement by assessing the effectiveness and performance of the ATEX occupational health and safety system through the annual management review.

To comply with The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act, 2005 and other relevant legislation or codes of practice. It is the duty of all ATEX staff, contractors, suppliers, and visitors to take all reasonable precautions to avoid injury to themselves and those affected by their activities.


Conor Neenan

On request, we will happily provide the Atex Safety Statement supplied in accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, which requires the Company to specify the manner in which the safety, health and welfare of employees are secured and managed at work. This statement is communicated to all Atex employees and is reviewed annually by Management.